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We help healthcare companies create better demand for their high-performing technologies and innovations.

Nurse taking notes

Over the years our community has worked with some of the world's largest healthcare brands

The logo for Zimmer Biomet on a grey background.
The logo for Micrima on a grey background.
The logo for Sodexo on a grey background.
The logo for Skills for Health on a grey background.
The logo for IHSS on a grey background.
The logo for Orthoscope on a grey background.
The logo for Bath University on a grey background.
The logo for Aguettant UK on a grey background.

And some of the largest consumer tech brands

The logo for Sky on a grey background.
The logo for LG on a grey background.
The logo for SMEG on a grey background.
A white AGENCY 'A' on a grey background.

Let's get your brand growth, with AGENCY.

The AGENCY Medical Marketing purple colour.


Your Sales Team

with tools to create demand


Creative Patient 


The AGENCY purple colour.



Healthcare Sales Empowerment


Into New Channels

generate digital demand

The AGENCY purple colour.


Your Customers

​through co-marketing



Multi-Channel Healthcare Outreach

Let's get you growth 
with compliant creativity.

New Product Launch

Do you have an upcoming product launch?

We've helped some of the world's biggest companies launch medical products and services, have a look at what we believe makes the best strategy to generate early sales and quickly establish a leading market position.

Agency Team
Healthcare professional using a tablet

Focus Product Refresh

What are your plans to increase your market share?

We understand that sometimes increasing your market share through traditional sales channels and tactics can seem difficult. If you are aiming for growth then we can share what we have learned from some of the leading medical and tech companies in the world.

Direct Patient Marketing

Will you be joining the growing number of companies focusing on direct-to-patient marketing?

We have formed unique partnerships with leading academic institutions to understand how to better communicate with patients and formulated compliant engagement strategies with some of the leading law firms in EMEA.

Happy healthcare patient
Agency's million mission.

Account Based Marketing

Want an edge over your competitors?

Geo-targeting driven by AI and unique persona profiling techniques will help you reach stakeholders ahead of an upcoming tender and set you above the competition.

I first discovered AGENCY when I was looking for a confident, capable and medical-marketing experienced agency to help me launch a blockbuster product.
In addition to creating a superb, innovative campaign, AGENCY offered to put together some bespoke materials to help me gain stakeholder buy-in, ensuring that everyone across Sales and Marketing was in alignment around the product launch.
AGENCY continually surprise me with their dedication, put simply, they consistently overdeliver.

Holly Jackson | Aguettant | Global Communications Manager

Let's get you growth 

Happy child patient and doctor

Medical Technology

Whether you're a startup, launching a product, looking to increase market share or entering a new market we love new medical technology and can share knowledge on unique strategies for growth.

Happy patient in wheelchair

Medical Device

We have worked with some of the largest medical device providers in the world as an agency, as healthcare professionals, as product managers as marketing managers and as sales people. We understand you.

We get it.

Doctor using a tablet


The highly regulated world of pharma is often a challenge for marketeers. We have processes designed specifically for creation of compliant pharma content and will happily share strategies on smart targeting of physicians.

The AGENCY A logo on a grey background.


Our Case Studies & Insights.

Male healthcare professional talking to patient

How can you best communicate with patients
in pain?

Developed in partnership with the University of Bath, our 'Painful Conversations' article series outlines how you can best communicate with patients in pain.

Register your interest to receive this article series below.

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Let's empower informed choices that change lives.


Let's help your medical marketing 'get better' with AGENCY.

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A lightbulb
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